Our first single Lyddie Shears is released today!
Here's the lyric video for our first single! Lyddie Shears was supposedly a witch who lived in Winterslow, Wiltshire in the 19th Century and could turn into a hare. Apparently a hare was shot by a farmer with a silver bullet (recommended by the local vicar) and Lyddie was found dead in her bed with a silver bullet in her heart. While I was writing this song, I kept seeing hares around where I live on the edge of Sheffield, having rarely seen them before. The tune in the middle is Baby Brock, written by Rosie (Butler-Hall) for her lovely friend Sue in memory of Aunty Pauline’s woodland, where there was a badger’s set with lots of baby badgers born in the spring.
Lyddie Shears | Rosie Hood
Baby Brock (instrumental) | Rosie Butler-Hall
Arrangement | The Rosie Hood Band
Recording & Mixing | Tom A Wright
Mastering | Nick Cooke
Puppets | Robyn Wallace & Rosie Hood
Filming | Nicola Beazley & Rosie Hood
Editing | Rosie Butler-Hall & Nicola Beazley